Seek Inspiration


Your Coaching Office in VR

Nothing is difficult if one truly loves and if one knows their duty.
It is the only means to be happy and content.

Maria Theresia

Our Coaching Packages

Looking for new ideas or inspiration for your current situation/project?
Get new viewpoints with us and take a leap with individual, curated creativity&innovation techniques. more

Everybody is talking about digitalization, but none of their ways seems to fit you?
Let’s talk about IT, AI and VR to find your opportunitys with our insights in IT and XR. more

Together with us you can solve a multitude of situations and not all of them are solved by more Creativity or VirtualReality.
Let us look at those sorrows together and make them your new strengh . more

*creation & project assistance of VR / Metaverse experiences upon request.


1. Step:
First Contact

Firstly you and your coach will get to know each other (to make shure that you both vibe)  and to analyze your situation.

2. Step:
🎯 Concern, Goal, Mission

Secondly you and your coach will take a look at your concern and goal that you want to work on and set up your coaching contract.

3. Step:
Work On Your Solutions

Depending on your spezific goal you will work on it with specially selected tools by and together with your coach.

4. Step:
🧭 Set New Goals

When we reach your goal (as defined in step 2.) you will also spezify your next steps (for afterwards) together with your coach.

5. Step:
🏁 Completion

When everything is done, there will be one last reflection of the coaching to conclude it comfortably.

Our Coaches and


• Creativity
• Innovation
• Virtual Reality
• Emotion Handling

◾️ VR Project Support
◾️ VR Training


Scedule your step forward!

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Where we are physically:
🇦🇹 Vienna
🇦🇹 Mureck